And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32 (ESV)

What is the Gospel message?

The message that Jesus came to teach us is very simple. Everyone that is born is in a state of rejection from God and the punishment for that rejection is the eternal seperation from God. But while the world was still in a state of rejection, Jesus came and paid the punishment for us, for everyone, and those that recognize Him as God and accept Him as their savior will have eternal life with God.

The Romans Road provides the Scriptural evidence for us that Jesus is the sole source of salvation for the human race.
  1. Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
  2. Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
  3. Romans 5:8 - "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
  4. Romans 10:9 - "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
  5. Romans 10:13 - "for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Is it possible that God is real?

Yes, it is not only possible but there are many things about our world that would not make any sense if God were not real!

Some things make no sense if God were NOT real

Additionally, there are alot of intricacies and complexities in the world around us that make no sense unless there were an all-powerful, personal Creator behind it all.

But doesn't science prove that God is not real?

This misunderstanding appears to be the crux of the problem for the children brought up in the later part of the 20th and the 21st centuries. It was during this time period that the gatekeepers to the education systems began to embrace Darwinian evolution as the answer, only the science textbooks which emphasized evolution were approved. Essentially God was shown the door in the public school systems. But, is there truth behind the claim that science proves God is not real?

If this were true then how can we explain that empirical science itself first began in a Christian setting 300 years before Darwinism? How also can we explain that many of the first great scientists were all Christians? Names such as Pascal, Kelvin, Newton, Kepler, and many more which contributed greatly to the core of modern science. Why is it that as science progresses further more and more powerful evidence is being discovered which corroborates that a designer must be behind the existence of life and the Universe overall?

Let's ask the scientists themselves.

An apologetic for the Christian faith is not complete without Jesus

The above arguments really only apply to the existence of God, but the Christian faith is not complete without the person of Jesus Christ. The 27 books of the Bible's New Testament are all about Jesus, the Son of God who was sent with the purpose of providing mankind a way to live forever with God. Jesus doesn't just appear out of nowhere in the New Testament (which was written about 450 years after the writing of the final book of the Old Testament), His coming was mentioned in the Old testament anywhere between 300 and 400 times in various prophecies which occurred in many of the Old Testament books. For our purposes let's consider just a mere 8 of these prophecies and we'll describe statistical work done by Professor Peter W. Stoner (published in his book, "SCIENCE SPEAKS") which calculates the odds of any one person fulfilling them all (mind you we are talking about just 8 of anywhere from 300-400 prophecies) .

The professor and his class calculated the probability of any one man fulfilling just these 8 prophecies (from all of the people who lived from the time the first prophecies were being written to now) as being 1 in 10 to the 17th power. This has been summarized as the chance of picking one random silver dollar in a pile of silver dollars big enough to fill the state of Texas 2 feet deep. Now, be sure to keep in mind that this probability only accounts for 8 prophecies out of the 300-400 prophecies that have been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Mathematically speaking, are those numbers convincing enough for you to start to consider the implications, that Jesus Christ who was written about in the New Testament actually is God and came here to save YOU and to allow YOU to live forever with God?

How can we rely on what we do know about Jesus?

What we know about Jesus comes to us from the New Testament and fortunately for us it is easily considered to be the most historically reliable literary work of the ancient world. Consider the following facts:

  1. There are currently 5,686 Greek manuscripts in existence, these are the earliest documents in existence in the original language the NT was written.
  2. In addition to the original Greek there are also over 24,000 copies of the NT manuscripts from early translations including 19,000 Syriac, Coptic, Latin and Aramaic copies.
  3. The vast majority of biblical scholars agree that the NT documents were all written before the close of the 1st century, which means the entirety of the NT was written within 70 years of Jesus' death, that is within a single generation.
  4. One manuscript in particular called the 'John Rylands fragment' contains portions of the gospel of John and has been dated to within 20 years of the original composition. The manuscript (papyrus) was found in Egypt. The material combined with its location and the above 3 facts all greatly aid in the prevention of legendary development due to quick and widespread dissemination.
  5. The internal consistency of the New Testament documents is 99.5% pure.
  6. There exist no ancient documents written in the 1st century that contest the NT text.

How do the New Testament documents compare to other ancient literature?

Comparing the NT documents with all other ancient writings shows the NT stands out far above all other ancient writings in terms of reliability. Consider these examples:

  1. There exist only 7 copies of Plato's writing and the gap between the documents in existence with the original is 1200 years.
  2. There exist only 10 copies of Ceasar's writing and the gap between the documents in existence with the original is 1000 years.
  3. There exist 49 copies of Aristotle's writings and the gap between the documents in existence with the original is 1400 years.
  4. There exist 643 copies of Homer's Iliad and the gap between the documents in existence and the original is 500 years.
  5. There exists 5,686 copies of the NT documents and the gap between the documents in existence and the originals is less than 100 years.

What about non-Christian references?

We also have numerous 1st and early 2nd century references to Jesus, other Biblical figures and events which exist outside of Scripture and were written by non-Christian historians. These non-Christian references confirm these Biblical events:

  1. Jesus lived during the time of Tiberius Ceasar.
  2. Jesus lived a virtuous life and was a wonder-worker.
  3. Jesus had a brother named James.
  4. Jesus was acclaimed to be the Messiah.
  5. Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate on the eve of Passover.
  6. Darkness and an earthquake occured when he died.
  7. Jesus disciples believed he rose from the dead and were willing to die for their belief.
  8. Christianity spread rapidly as far as Rome.
  9. His disciples denied the Roman gods and worshiped Jesus as God.

Does Archeology confirm or conflict with the New Testament?

Additionally, archeology continues to support the historical reliability of the NT and has continued to confirm that places mentioned in the gospels really existed and that the customs, living conditions, etc correspond to how the gospels describe them. In fact, no archeological discovery has ever contradicted a NT biblical reference.